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Bahamas it's time to feed ourselves.

Operation: Planting Seeds For The Future

Implementing agricultural education within the school system yields holistic benefits.

Students, through hands-on learning, acquire practical skills that extend beyond the classroom, promoting self-sufficiency and resourcefulness. This knowledge, in turn, cultivates a mindset of innovation and adaptability crucial for addressing evolving challenges…

Meet Elton Mckinney

Elton has been cultivating his farm on Crooked Island for over a decade.

Mr. Elton McKinney embarked on a farming venture driven by the recognition of the imperative for a local source of fresh vegetables, particularly during periods when the island is isolated from mailboat deliveries…

Meet Ian Knowles

Chief Councillor, Long Island

The significance of agriculture in every community is underscored by the profound impact witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing the vulnerability inherent in our nation’s food security. This crisis illuminated our dependence on external sources for sustenance, revealing a notable lag in our global standing regarding food production capabilities…